《Reverse:1999》1.4 PV:Prisoners in the Cave│重返未來:1999 2023箱中巡遊·1.4版本PV:洞穴的囚徒

A secluded island was finally able to slowly reveal its blurry outline before the ship crashed into the seabed. The storm has led the giant ship across the old era, and disputes and dark tides, as well as categories and debris, will all wait here. Close your eyes, perhaps the truth can only be revealed in absolute solitude of contemplation ======================================= 一座與世隔絕的島嶼,在船墜入海底之前,終於得以緩緩露出模糊的輪廓。 風暴引領巨輪跨越了舊的時代,紛爭與暗潮、數類與碎屑,都將在此等候。 閉上眼睛,真理或許在絕對孤寂的沉思中,才能得以顯現……
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