Comparative Mythology of the Indo European Creation Myth

Comparative Mythology of the Indo European Creation Myth through the reading of various religious and historical texts and highlighting the connections. From Germania and Tacitus, to Odin and the Old Norse texts of the Poetic Edda. From Rome and Romulus and Remus to the Orphic Hymn to Zeus in Greece. And from the Abrahamic religions of the Near East, through Babylon and the Enuma Elis, to Persia and Zoroastrianism, and the Vedic culture with their Rig Veda. I talk through all this and more. Become a Patreon: Or consider a one-off donation via Paypal: Bibliographies/Citations Kern, Otto. 1968. Orphic Hymn to Zeus (Fragment 168), modified Ralph T. H. Griffith, trans., Hymns of the Rigveda (Benares: E. J. Lazarus, 1897) 2:517 ff., modified B. T. Anklesaria, trans., Zand-Akszih: Iranian or Greater Bundahisn (Bombay: Rahnumae Mazdayasnan Sabha, 1956), pp. 49, 53, 117, 119, 127, modified
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