Why Did Gus Not Get Into The Car? | Breaking Bad Explained

Breaking Bad is Vince Gillian’s smash hit neo-Western action crime drama starring Bryan Cranston as Walter White and Aaron Paul as Jesse Pinkman. In the episode End Times, Jesse refuses to go back to cooking while he is at the hospital with Brock – Gus visits and reassures Jesse, and then he leaves to go back to his car in the car park. Walter has placed a bomb under Gus’ car, and he is watching with binoculars on the rooftop of a nearby building. It’s a perfect execution – but then, just as soon as Gus approaches the car, he slows down and all of a sudden his spider sense starts tingling, you see his mind making calculations, he walks out and stars into the distance, dangerously close to where Walt is perched, and then, he simply turns around and walks away. So what on earth happened here? Why did Gus choose not to get in the car? How did Gustavo Fring know there was a bomb in the car placed by Walter White?
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