Error37 - Happy Song

A little something to pass the time Lyrics... Planet earth is filled with so much beauty And what is beyond is simply amazing I find myself smiling almost all the time Its fair to say I’m a positive guy Wear a smile and skip through daisies With your best friend Holding hands Think of bunnies when you are suffering Fluffy animals are the best medicine Come a little closer kiss these lips What can you taste? Dimethyltryptamine Psilocybin Lysergic Acid Diethylamide Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Serotonin melatonin Serotonin melatonin Serotonin melatonin Overload Serotonin melatonin Serotonin melatonin Serotonin melatonin Overload Mastered by Christopher Vernon Produced by Mike Miller
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