Iyengar Yoga-Standing Balance-Intermediate Level

Iyengar Yoga Self-Paced Programs 👇: ►All Programs ► Foundational Iyengar Yoga (18 Lessons) ► Iyengar Yoga Heart Health Workshop (4 Sessions) ► Iyengar Yoga Spine Care Workshop (6 Sessions) ------------------------------------------------------ Iyengar yoga is a style of yoga that emphasizes alignment, precision, and attention to detail in the practice of asanas (postures). Balancing postures is an essential part of the Iyengar yoga practice and offers many benefits to both the body and mind. Some of the benefits and effects of balancing postures are: 1: Develops strength and stability: Balancing postures require a strong and stable foundation, which helps to develop strength in the legs, core, and back muscles. This strength h
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