My Planted Discus Tank Story - 150 Day Update

My fully planted discus tank aquascape planted aquarium now 150 days old! Discus Aquascape Tutorial video - Discus Aquascape 50 day update video - Tank - OASE HighLine 400 - 413 litres / 108 US gallons Lighting - OASE Premium 120 with EAC Filtration - OASE BioMaster 250 and 850 Thermo, 28C / 82F CO2 - GLA regulator, inline diffuser, 4BPS, solenoid Substrate - Tropica Aquarium Soil, 4x 9L Ferts - Tropica Specialised Nutrition, 30ml daily Water changes - Approx 90% weekly, hard tap water (400ppm TDS), water parameters not tested
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