Qaytarma – Crimean Tatar folk dance and the corresponding rhythm in the metric size 7/8. The dance symbolizes natural cycles and eternal movement. It is traditionally performed on holidays such as weddings, birthdays, and others. It can be heard not only in the Crimea, but also in Moldova, Romania, Dagestan, Turkey, etc. Traditionally, this rhythm is played on Dhol or Def drums. Here is a version of it on a drum kit and several variations that can be used to decorate the music. Thank you to drummer Aider Bilyalov for introducing this interesting rhythm.
I added a bass guitar to the drums, as without it it is quite difficult to keep the perception of the first beat and the bass helps to navigate in this rhythm.
Recorded on “Free Tube Studio“ by Mikhail Nikolaev.
#Drums #Qaytarma #rhythm
1 view
11 months ago 00:01:51 1
Qaytarma (Хайтарма) rhythm on Drumset 7/8 #1–4
3 years ago 00:08:59 2
Крымскотатарский ансамбль ХАЙТАРМА 1991 год.
8 years ago 00:03:12 22
Jamala _ Джамала - (1944 video) Видеоролик с фильма “Хайтарма“