Hey my loves! Today I have one of my favourite workout styles for you. SUPERSETS and a juicy EMOM at the end. I have easier modification provided as always. It’s a really fun and feel good training session.
Workout Motivation: ‘Doubting yourself is normal. Letting it stop you is a choice.’
This workout is perfect for you if you want to build lean upper body muscle, lose stubborn belly fat faster, increase strength, and strength endurance.
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Details for this workout ▼
○ Mus
...cles worked: Upper Body
○ Time: 35 Min. (Warm-Up and Cool-Down included)
○ Equipment: Dumbbells (weights I am using for your reference are 5kg)
Pre Workout Warm-Up
1. Straddle Spine Rotation
2. ½ kneeling windmill (R/L)
3. Seated Good Mornings
⏱️ 45 sec on | 15 sec off | 2 Sets each Superset👇
Superset 1
1. Straddle Pike Push-Ups ( Easier)
2. Straddle Leg Lifts Over ( Easier)
Superset 2
1. Straddle SA Crunch
2. Straddle Seesaw Press
Superset 3
1. Arch-Up to Push-Up ( Easier)
2. Arched Snow Angles
Superset 4
1. Plank Row to Rotation
2. Weighted Bicycles
Last Pump 💪
⏱️ 45 sec on | 15 sec off | 2 Rounds👇
1. Lateral Raise palms up
2. Biceps Curl
Last Sweat 💦
6 Min EMOM (Every minute on a minute)
⏱️ 60 sec on | no rest | 2 Rounds👇
Perform prescribed reps within one minute. The rest of the minute is your resting time.
1. Minute: Twister Burpee 4x / side ( Easier)
2. Minute: Hollow Rocks 12x ( Easier)
3. Minute: Twister Burpee 4x / side ( Easier)
Post Workout Cool-Down 🧘
1. Hand folded shoulder bridge
2. Child Pose Walks
3. Frog thread needle (R/L)
Before starting this workout, consult with your healthcare provider, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions. This workout is designed for individuals with a general level of fitness; adjust intensity based on your fitness level. Pay attention to your body’s response during the workout; stop immediately if you experience pain, dizziness, or discomfort and consult a healthcare professional. Participation is voluntary and at your own risk; the creator is not liable for any injuries resulting from the exercises. The information in this video is for general educational purposes and not a substitute for professional medical advice; seek guidance from your physician for any health concerns.
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