Hasbro is FED UP with Disney & Star Wars FAILING | May Sever Ties with Disney ENTIRELY Sources Say!

Disney is skating on thin ice when it comes to Hasbro according to sources due to a string of box office failures that have severely impacted Hasbro’s bottom line, and left the toy company in a world of hurt. Indeed, according to sources speaking to my holiday spies, Hasbro has made demands of Disney, and if those demands are not met, Hasbro is ready to bail on Disney and sever ties with the Magic Kingdom! Here’s what I’ve been told! #disney #starwars #hasbro WE ARE WINNING THE WAR TO SAVE POP CULTURE! Please help us keep fighting by subscribing to my channel and becoming a channel member! Here is the link to the join button! Please consider joining to get custom emojis, exclusive videos, and exclusive livestreams speaking directly to Doomcock! PLEASE consider supporting me on Patreon or Subscribestar!
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