Turnip lanterns - Part 1 - A Germanic tradition with pagan roots?
In this video will try to explain the traditional phenomenon with autumnal uses of so called turnip lanterns. Isn’t the geographical extent of these type of traditions extremely similar to the Germanic speaking Europe? Does this mean that there are some connection? Are these customs pre-Christian? Watch the video and see what my thoughts are upon the topic.
Excuse my occasional butchering of various pronunciations AND my reoccurring saying of Bochselnacht as Bochslenacht!
For more information about the history and use of manepæle (’maning pole’, ’admonishing pole’ or ’conjuring pole’) within Danish folk magical traditions, check out this video (which deals with the magical practice of ’maning’) by Ræveðis:
If you have an interest in Scandinavian/Norse/Germanic magical practices I highly recommend you follow Ræveðis on Facebook. He got more very interesting wisdom to share:
A thanks to Ræveðis for providing me with the picture of the manepæle of Rolds Skov, Jutland, Denmark!
Don’t forget to also check out Survive the Jive, if you by some reason haven’t. The common Indo-European culture that he partly focuses on, should be of very good use to understand for anyone who wishes to dwell deeper into some of the more specific branches of the Indo-European tree of culture.
A thanks to Emil Palm for his pumpkin carving skills memorised on photography!
Links to Alarūnō on various social media:
Music in this video:
Wurmaz - “Alarūnō“
Wurmaz - “Blood“
Wurmaz - “Rovegubben“ (instrumental version)
Ormgård - ““Ákalla hin dauðu“ from the demo ////\ (2011)
Links to Vika // Imago Mortis (who made the Alarūnō logo):
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