Binney Memorial Medal for Bravery awarded (1951)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Binney Memorial Medal for Bravery awarded at ceremony Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Act of Bravery is Rewarded ENGLAND: INT FIELD MArSHAL LORD ALANBROOKE Presents Binney Memorial Medal to Mr Temple at County Hall Also present Sir and Mountbatten both make speeches Audience of police BINNEY MEDAL PRESENTATION. 1950 presented by Sir Harold Scott to Mr Temple for valour also there Lord Alanbrooke ???????? COUNTY HALL Mr Temple receives the Binney Memorial Medal for Bravery from Lord speech. receives the medal (Mr Temple) and shakes with 3 constables. Speech by of Policemen LORD AND LADY MOUNTBATTEN Speech at County Hall representation of Binney Memorial Bravery Medal to Mr Temple.. POLICEMEN.. Police audience as Binney Memorial is Presented to Mr Temple for bravery ??? Spee
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