Moscow, Russia (Soviet Union, USSR) & Biala-Podlaska, Poland.
LV. Wladislaw Gomulka, Leader of the Polish Communist Party surrounded by people at Moscow Station. SCU. Train driver wiping his hands. SV. Gomulka walking towards the train, Premier of Poland Cyrankiewicz is with him. SV. Towards, train pulling out of station. SCU. Gomulka smiling inside moving train and talking to someone. SV. Group of other officials walking on train. SCU. Cyrankiewicz talking inside train. LV. Train pulling into station at Biala-Podlaska in Poland. LV. Pan, people sitting on roof of building waving, pan to Gomulka picking up loaf of bread. He leans out of window and starts to cut bread. LV. Crowds waving. SV. Gomulka eating piece of bread that he has sliced off. SV. Pan down, people sitting on top of train above his head, pan down to Gomulka addressing crowd from carriage window, pan across excited gathering. CU. Gomulka addressing crowd. SV. Mass crowd applauding. LV. Group of people sitting on roof tops waving. GV. From mo