BATTLETECH: Warlord Toranaga Matsuhari, Master of the Draconis Combine
With the coming of #DominionsDivided, I think it is time for us to explore one of the greatest single figures in #Battletech, and perhaps a figure many people have not heard of before. Gunji-no-Kanrei Toranaga Matsuhari, who is set to play a major role in the upcoming book.
In fact, I would argue that the Kanrei is one of the most important figures in the entire franchise. A #Mechwarrior, and a Commander without equal, this servant of the #DraconisCombine, more so than a servant of #HouseKurita, is a man who has faced down seemingly every threat from across the #InnerSphere.
#Clan warriors from #GhostBear, #SnowRaven, and most of all #NovaCat know him all too well. A figure who is resented and feared by his enemies in the #RepublicoftheSphere, or #ROTS, and #FederatedSuns, or #HouseDavion, to such an extent that it is remarkable. Even within his homeland, it was he, who changed the internal politics within, and it was he who changed #Kurita forever, by installing #YoriKurita.
He is the ultimate figure who has outplayed, and outdone them all.
So, let us together explore #Toranaga. The truth master of the Combine, and the ultimate warlord of the #Ilclan era, #DarkAge... and perhaps the greatest warrior the Draconis Combine has ever produced.
*One small error, I got Caleb Davion’s background wrong. His father’s side of the family had the Sandovals married into them, not his mothers. Just a small correction.
0:00 Opening
1:15 Introduction
3:57 Early Life
10:51 The New Order
19:58 The Dragon Awakens
29:17 The Draconis Combine Civil War
45:31 Forcing the Sun to Set
59:18 The Final Glories
1:11:34 The Fall of a Great Man
1:37:13 The Final Cut
1:46:23 Final Thoughts
#SuccessionWars, #IlclanEra, #DominionsDivided, #DamoclesSanction, #claninvasion #DarkAge #MechwarriorDarkAge #Atlas #JulianDavion #HouseDavion #HouseSteiner #LyranCommonwealth #CapellanConfederation #HouseLiao #Axman #FirstPrince #Coordinator #VincentKurita #EmiKurita #HohiroKurita #TheodoreKurita #HouseKurita #DCMS #DraconisCombineMusteredSoldiery #AFFS #ArmedForcesofTheFederatedSuns #CalebDavion #ErikSandoval #CorwinSandoval #DraconisMarches #Robinson #NewAvalon #NewSamarkand #YoriKurita
Resources and Notes:
Most of the music in this video was provided by license by a content creator and composer Audacious Cues:
I would recommend checking out his Bandcamp as well:
A huge thank to you EVERYONE who helped me gather gameplay footage for this video.
LINKS to Resources:
Era Report 3145:
For most of the quotes heard in video, the Novel Damocles Sanction, as well as for the latter information:
Final Notes: This is a very long video, and it took a great deal to weave this together from multiple resources. Some information had to be interpreted to a small degree. I went over it to ensure there were no errors, but these things can happen. To get the fullest extent of all lore involved, check the primary resources out! I had a blast taking notes for this video with all the great work I got to draw from.
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Note: I am not associated with the Battletech / Mechwarrior IP, and create this under fair-use. Ownership of the Battletech IP resides with several companies at this time. I support all official releases.
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1 year ago 00:24:46 1
BattleTech Dark Age Battle Report: Irece 3142, Clan Nova Cat vs Draconis Combine
1 year ago 01:50:41 1
BATTLETECH: Warlord Toranaga Matsuhari, Master of the Draconis Combine