Skhemty is a Dungeon Synth project retracing the history and mythology of ancient Egypt, offers a reconstruction of the medieval Egypt music with traditional byzantine atmospheres.
Apple Music:
✸ Sunrise on the Old Kingdom (2022) ✸
1. Walking on Sahara 00:00
2. Golden Age 04:26
3. Children of the Sun 07:49
4. Pyramid of Khafre 12:27
5. Dendera Temple 18:09
6. Osiris Myth 21:28
7. Mirage over the Dunes 24:56
8. Inside the Sanctuary of Horus 27:36
9. Ancient Ruins in the Desert 29:43
10. Tombs and Eternal Life 35:12
11. Glow on the Nile 39:01
... #dungeonsynth #egyptianmusic
It will have taken a long time to arrive beyond the deserts, a wandering king is back to reign over his kingdom, but would he be a black spirit returned from elsewhere? Discover the pyramids, rediscoShow more