MEDIEVAL TOILETS - Where Did People Do Their Business In The Middle Ages?

One thing we take for granted in modern society is sanitation and cleanliness. However during the Middle Ages and the Medieval period this was not the case. We associate the Middle Ages as being a very backwards time where people were throwing waste out of the windows, and towns were incredibly dirty. However during the Medieval times they did have toilets and some form of sanitation in castles. These were very primitive sometimes just being holes in the ground that would lead to human waste falling out of the castle hitting the wall and falling into a moat. We think a castle’s moats were beautiful and clear but this was not the case. Some Medieval toilets did even have seats on them and some drained into large cess pools, with farmers then gathering the human waste to use on their crops. Today some of the greatest castles still have their medieval toilets and these show us a lot that the Medieval period was not as backwards as first thought. So join us today as we look at, ’MEDIEVAL TO
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