Rodman’s October Mix

Rodman mixes his 20 favourite records played on The Trance Empire during October. Massive anthems from C-Systems, Mike Zaloxx, Last Solider, Claus Backslash and Abstract Vision are all in the mix. Choose your player: Join Rodman every Saturday on YouTube for The Trance Empire Premiere: 7pm UK, 8pm CET, 11am PST, 1pm CST, 2pm EST Tracklist: C-Systems - Crusader [A State of Trance] BT - Flaming June (Dan Thompson Remix) [Black Hole] Last Soldier & Tides Of Melody - Temple Of Time [Last State] Re-Locate, Elara - Into The Deep [Amsterdam Trance] Tau-Rine, Mike Bound - Great Attractor [High Voltage] Conor Holohan - Eternity [Nocturnal Knights Music] Sam Cydan - Finding Our Home [FSOE] Mike Zaloxx - Gravity [We Are Trance] Steve Dekay - Focus [Amon Vision] Fawzy with Jeff Rush - Trancetivity (Christopher Corrigan Remix) [State Soundscapes] Zuif - Reflections ( 8 Anniversary Anthem) [Galaxia Music] Ariams VS Arabax
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