2021『手牽手』16族50人大合唱 cover by 原住民孩子

Shenai原住民孩子instgram : Shenai原住民孩子facebook: 此歌為「Shenai原住民孩子」,第一次和部分粉專素人合作發表的影片,不管在疫情中或困難中,希望原住民各族的歌聲,可以成為彼此的鼓勵,此影品的音樂,八成都是用耳機錄製並且只花14天完成,在設備不足、時間不足的狀況下,仍然完成了這麼棒的作品,這是我們最感動的事情,也謝謝每一個鼓勵支持的人,我們的家人! This is the first time that “Shen Ai Young” collaborating a music cover video with some internet celebrities. We hope that the voices from every tribes of Taiwan indigenous peoples could become an encouragement to each other during this difficult time. Under the circumstance of insufficient equipment and deficiency of time, 80% of this music video were recording through a microphone from earphone. Gratefully, we would still able to finish this wonderful work in 14 days. Thank you for all the supports and encourages! We are family! 詞|王力宏 / 陶喆 / 陳鎮川 曲|王力宏 / 陶喆 Rap 詞
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