Surgical Ventricular Restoration (Modified Dor Procedure) - Left Ventricular Aneurysm / Thrombus
Dr. Cho (Sang-Ho Cho), Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gangdong, Seoul, Korea
조상호 , 강동경희대병원 흉부외과 sinan75@
Dx : 1) Left ventricular aneurysm and thrombus after myocardial infarction
2) Coronary artery occlusive diasease ( 2 vessels )
3) Ischemic dilated CMP ( EF=20 %)
4) Ischemic MR, mild , Pulmonary HTN
Operation :
1) CABG ( 3 ways ) - LIMA to 1st DG branch / Aorta to rPd, rPL (sequential ) c GSV
2) LV thrombectomy and Surgical Vent