1982-10-09 e3: rakshasas to run away (Puja, Wellingborough, UK)
...See at the back, there are three and a half coils. Can you see, clearly? And when it moves in that, you see, in the same way the Kundalini moves spirally.
The whole universe moves in a spiral way. I don’t know if the scientists know this or not, but it moves in a spiral way and this is what is the spiral.
And when you blow into it, it makes a sound – the AUM as they say, “A,U, M.“ Three words are there – that is Mahakali, Mahalaxmi, Mahasarawati, I’m sorry, Mahakali, Mahasaraswati, Mahalaxmi.
Now these things, when the Kundalini also moves, She makes sound. On those sounds are based all the alphabets and consonants of the, consonant of the Sanskrit language. For example, here it is all of them, “are, er, ar, ee, i, oo“ – like that.
So this is the sound which is heard in mantras when you say that, that’s how the Deities get awakened because they know these words, you see, and every sound has a meaning.
[Hindi] Whatever you do is these five things to wash My h