MBP #116 DMVU & Little Snake

Better known by his musical alias DMVU, Denver based producer Matthew Phillpot-Jones continues to etch his own indelible mark into the future of electronic music. From a young age, Jones’ always displayed an unmistakable inclination towards music. An only child of two musically gifted parents, Jones grew up in an environment in which he was constantly exposed to a diverse selection of music, and quickly learned to play the piano and drums very early on in his adolescent years. Infatuated by the hip hop culture of the late 90s and early 2000s, Jones traded in the drumsticks for a copy of FL St...udio, hoping to test his hand at emulating the beats that were so instrumental during his teenage years. Citing unmistakable influence derived from the rich underground dance music scene native to Colorado, Jones soon graduated from hip-hop and redirected his artistic focus on producing bass music - a critical turning point in his ascent that ended up proving to be pivotal in the project’s life cycle. DMVU Lin
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