Team RKMTs-JR McNeal-the AMALIE® Motor Oil XTERMIGATOR,Pittsburgh,PA

Nice weekend in cold, snowy Pittsburgh, PA at the CONSOL Energy Center. Beautiful city! In this highlights video: Friday night freestyle = 21 (3rd place) Saturday afternoon: Wheelie = 18 Round 1 racing = AMALIE® Motor Oil XTERMIGATOR (w) vs. Monster Mutt Semi-finals = AMALIE® Motor Oil XTERMIGATOR vs. Ironman (w) Freestyle = 21 (2-way tie for 3rd place) Saturday evening: Wheelie = 20 (3-way tie for 2nd place) Round 1 racing = AMALIE® Motor Oil XTERMIGATOR vs. Monster Mutt (w) Freestyle = 19 Hats off t
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