Canterlot security be like:

Thank you so much to Expee for completely revamping the lighting and making it look amazing! Here’s where you can find him: Also, thanks to Expee and Drakinite for assisting with the thumbnail! Special thanks also to Knex-Päerdz and Pasta! Song: VeggieTales - Jerico (Keep Walking) This is the first time I’ve tried to create an SFM with so much dynamic movement and animation; previously, I had just concentrated on the face and moved the neck and head while leaving the body entirely motionless. Not any more! The body now follows through and complements the head motion, and it looks gud! I feel that the lip syncing isn’t as good as it was before, and also that the audio was somehow offset after rendering it, but what can you do? I hope you all enjoy it! A huge thank you to my patreon supporters! YTMLP Drakinite RikkyTikkyTavy
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