40 Demon Hunters VS 40 Hunters

Today, it is time for another 40v40... To see which is the true Hunter of WoW! Special thanks to all my Patreon supporters, appreciate you all! Icorian - Frostmane (EU Servers) Kiteflyer - Elune (US Servers) Tailsnapper - GrimBatol (EU Servers) Arrazy - Stormscale (EU Servers) Lightfang - Elune (US Servers) Archâon - Moonguard (US Servers) Jakmage - Ragnaros (EU Servers) Aegîs - Ravencrest (EU Servers) Plantagenant - Bladefist (US Servers) Héliejah - Elune (EU Servers) Ecoplex - EmeraldDream (US Servers) Sankir - EmeraldDream (US Servers) Darthmarva - Blackmoore (EU Servers) Elyora - BurningBlade(EU Servers) Patreon: Twitter: ​​​ Twitch: ​​​ Special thanks to Lillekatta, the best thumbnail maker! ​​​ Background: In this 40v40, we are going to put Demon Hunters against Hunters, in this epic battle we will have 5 total clashes, and then we will see who comes out victorious!
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