5K African Wildlife Documentary Film - Mana Pools National Park, Zimbabwe, Africa - 1 HR

Fabulous and stunning African wildlife documentary film. Our fantastic 5K documentary film was shot in Mana Pools National Park in Northern of Zimbabwe on the border of Zambia in the Zambezi Valley. Mana Pools is an ideal place to enjoy nature and wildlife in close proximity. It a remote park, it is situated far from major towns and settlements. Just nature, animals, birds, serenity and tranquility. The park is known for its profusion of wildlife and spectacular scenery. Mana means ‘four’ in Shona (one of the local languages). This refers to the four permanent pools that remain on the floodplain after the rains. These long pools are a remnant of the Zambezi river’s past meanderings, and attract large populations of elephants, buffalo, baboons, impala and other animals during the dry season. Predators and scavengers such as lions, hyena and wild dogs are frequently sighted in the area. Mana Pools is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and one of the few big game areas in Africa that guests are allowed to explore
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