Nagaoka Tenmangu Shrine is located in Nagaoka-kyo city in Kyoto Prefecture. Nagaoka-kyo city is the neighboring city to Kyoto City and was the original ancient capital of Japan in the late eight century.
Like all “Tenmangu“ shrines, this shrine is also dedicated to Michizane Sugawara. Michizane Sugawara is revered as the Shinto god of learning and education. It is said that when he was exiled to Dazaifu town in Fukuoka Prefecture, on the way to Fukuoka, he stopped by at this location. Since then a shrine was built to revere Michizane Sugawara.
7 years ago 00:11:36 3
Nagaoka Tenmangu Shrine, Kyoto Prefecture
8 years ago 00:03:53 22
霧島ツツジ 長岡天満宮 京都府長岡京市 2017 Kirishima azalea in Nagaoka Tenmangu Ngaokakyo-city, Kyoto Japan
9 years ago 00:01:23 13
長岡天満宮と梅 京都の神社 Nagaoka-Tenmangu Shinto Shrine Kyoto Japan Full HD