Cinematic Lighting Techniques in OctaneRender and 3ds Max with Darek Zabrocki | NVIDIA Studio

Join concept designer and CEO of Focal Point School Darek Zabrocki as he demonstrates how to create cinematic lighting effects with OctaneRender and Autodesk 3ds Max. This tutorial will deep dive into the steps, process, and offer an exclusive look into Darek’s workflow. Use the timestamps below to navigate, and be sure to leave your comments below! 00:00:00 — Introduction 00:00:24 — Collecting Assets & Building the Scene 00:34:54 — Incorporating Lighting Scenarios & Medium in Octane 00:51:13 — Adding Secondary Lights & Setting the Tone to Achieve Cinematic Lighting 01:25:04 — Working on Final Shots, Addressing Scale Issues and Playing with Camera Lenses 01:28:45 — Adjusting Final Light Effects & Path Racing Rendering with RTX Acceleration Tool used: OctaneRender, Autodesk 3ds Max Hardware: 3x NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Graphics Cards NVIDIA GPUs accelerate your work with incredible boosts in performance. Less time staring at pinwheels of death means bigger workloads, more features, and creating your work
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