Yes 933双节坤,采访张哲瀚. #zhangzhehan interview with yes 933 full video

主持人:“你会想当最帅最有魅力的人,还是聪明的人?” 哲:“聪明,我是觉得…是因为经历了一些事情,我是觉得一个人的智慧,会帮助他很多,成为一个很成熟的人,情绪稳定的人,面对处理问题的时候,你真的需要很多智慧。” 主持人:“入行这段期间,你觉得你的智慧最大的增长是什么?” 哲:“就是前年发生的事情,是让我最涨知识的时候… 可能就把我带到了另外一个不一样的地方,就像一个山,你掉下来了,你又要继续爬,那其实爬山的过程也很有趣,不然一直站在封顶,高处不胜寒。与其每天担心会不会掉下来,那掉下来之后,才会更好的攀爬,才会经历更好的过程。” Host: “Which do you prefer, to be the most handsome and charming person or the intelligent one?“ Zhe: “Intelligent. I believe... because having been through some experiences, I think a person’s wisdom can help them a lot, making them mature and emotionally stable. When facing and dealing with problems, you really need a lot of wisdom.“ Host: “During your time in this industry, what do you think has been the greatest growth in your wisdom?“ Zhe: “It’s the events that happened two years ago. That was the time when I gained the most knowledge... Perhaps it led me to a different place, like a mountain. When you fall, you have to climb again. Actually, the process of climbing the mountain is interesting. Instead of always standing at the peak where it’s cold, it’s better to embrace the fall. After falling, you can climb better, and you will experience a better journey.“ 不想要读心术的超能力:我不太想读取别人在想什么,我觉得窃取对方的秘密也是一个很痛苦的过程。 Expressing a desire to not have telepathic abilities: I’m not keen on knowing what others are thinking. I feel that stealing someone else’s secrets is also a painful process. 哲真的很喜欢自己的🏆,家里吃饭抬头看的桌子就摆着他的三个奖杯:高尔夫一杆进洞、篮球MVP、还有一个演戏的。这次可以新加入两个唱歌的奖杯:年度歌手和年度金曲。 Zhe really likes his 🏆. When he eats at home, he can see his trophies, they are proudly displayed, the three trophies he cherished most: a hole-in-one in golf, basketball MVP, and one for acting. This time, two singing trophies can be added: Singer of the year and hit Song of the year.
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