s&box scene system - progress 2
Got a lot done over the past week, despite being ill for half of it.
00:00 - Volumetric Fog
01:31 - Cubemap Fog
02:23 - Gradient Fog
03:32 - UI Components
04:18 - Depth Of Field
04:50 - Post Processing
05:12 - Highlight / Outlines
05:59 - Bloom
06:25 - Physics Stress
06:33 - Hull Colliders
06:49 - Particle Systems
07:19 - Navigation Mesh
07:59 - Fixed Timestep & Lerp
09:25 - Curve & Gradient Editor
09:54 - Animation
10:47 - Parenting To Bones
11:22 - Threaded Animation
11:37 - Bone Merge