Upper impacted canine:Auto-erupt & Open window|【Chris Chang Ortho】CC735

This is a CIII malocclusion with impacted U3s treated with aligners. First extract 4 bicuspids to create space for auto-eruption. When one of the impacted teeth failed to erupt spontaneously, performed open-window surgery to remove tissues obstructing the eruption path. Use brackets combined with TADs to distalize and upright molars. 這是一個用隱適美改善三類咬合合併雙側U3阻生齒的案例。首先透過拔除上下四顆犬齒來增加空間,促使阻生齒自動萌發。然後再透過open-window surgery將未萌發的那顆阻生齒周圍阻擋萌發的組織去除。在後牙區使用部分的自鎖式矯正器合併骨釘來將大臼齒扶正,並向前移動。
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