【CUT4】歌曲:《时光晃呀晃》4. Song: Time Sways

4、歌曲:《时光晃呀晃》 4. Song: Time Sways 演唱:鞠婧祎 Singer: Ju Jingyi 节目阐述:神秘的时光空间,出现了一位时间驾驭者,随着时光机器的按键按下,画面或快进或后退,时间轮转下无数个生活片段一一呈现,遗憾的、失落的、幸福的、感伤的、分别的、相聚的,人生就像月亮不止有圆满,而是阴晴圆缺,我们在一个个时光片段中去感悟生活、理解人生。 Program Interpretation: In the mysterious realm of time, appears a Time Controller. With a press of the time machine’s button, life fast-forwards or rewinds, revealing countless moments—regret, loss, joy, nostalgia, partings, and reunions. Life, like the moon, waxes and wanes, embracing both fullness and fragments. Through these fleeting moments, we come to grasp the meaning of our life journey.
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