01-Improvisation - Yellow Bell 00:18
02-The Glide 22:22
03-Waterwheel 31:45
04-Improvisation - Travel by day 45:48
05-Looking glass man 1:12:44
06-Witchi Tai To 1:18:09
07-Walcott/McCandless Duet 1:31:20
08-C.T. Kangaroo 1:41:00
09-Silence of a candle 1:49:24
unknown venue
Szeged, Hungary
lineage-professional recording on unknown equipment
Original comments: “This is an excellent recording of Oregon that’s regrettably near to the end of the Collin Walcott era (he and another passed away a few weeks after this show in a transportation accident on this same tour). (...). P
...lease support all the artists you admire by purchasing their commercially available material, and, if possible, paying to see them live.“
Thanks to Rudolff & jswetch.
Footage n production by bigfootpegrande.
Ralph Towner -g, keyb
Collin Walcott -perc, tablas, sitar
Glen Moore -b
Paul McCandless -oboe, flute, b-clShow more