Headache due to tension is most common, there are no pain receptors in the brain, headache is mostly pain of other organs, headache is common. When there is pain in the head, it can be thought that there may be pain in the tissue of the brain located below it. But interestingly, the brain, which senses pain throughout the body, does not have its own receptors for pain. Dr. Charles Clarke is a neurologist and headache specialist in Tennessee. Like swollen sinuses, most headaches are caused by low sugar levels. In fact, pain elsewhere can be a headache. Happens to the jaws and shoulders. i.e. the pain is occurring somewhere else and occurs in some other part like neck and headache is felt, The intensity of a migraine differentiates it from a common headache. Neurologist Clark says that migraine is a type of headache. Its severity sets it apart from other headaches. It is more intense and can last longer. Can often be genetic. Can cause muscle and nerve pain. The World Health Organization states that tension hea