데뷔 앞둔 걸그룹 위클리(Weeekly)가 ☠️기획사 내부 비밀 조직☠️에게 집중 코스 받다?! | 플레이엠 신인개발팀 Ep.1 | PlayM Hard Training Team

데뷔 앞둔 걸그룹 위클리(Weeekly)가 ☠️기획사 내부 비밀 조직☠️에게 집중 코스 받다?! | 플레이엠 신인개발팀 Ep.1 | PlayM Hard Training Team #Weeekly#PlayM_Hard_Training_Team#New1theKOriginal#1theK#원더케이#원더케이오리지널 What happened to K-Pop girls group Weeekly before making a debut? What’s the secret society allegedly located in the basement of Play M?! Check out the secret intensive course Weeekly took! 0:00 Secret rookie development team 1:09 STEP.1 Take a profile photo 6:57 STEP.2 Camera test 9:03 STEP.3 High-fashion -------------------------
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