Increase EPO naturally. Be like Lance Armstrong, but here’s how to do it safely and legally.
Holding your breath to decrease blood oxygen saturation elicits the kidneys to produce EPO naturally. Erythropoietin or EPO is a hormone which stimulates the maturation of red blood cells in the bone marrow. Increasing EPO improves oxygen carrying capacity.
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Read “The Oxygen Advantage: The simple, scientifically proven breathing technique that will revolutionise your health and fitness“ by Patrick McKeown. Release date 3rd September 2015
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Check out the following other videos and click on for more instructional videos from Internationally acclaimed Buteyko practitioner and author Patrick McKeown:
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Mouth breathing negatively affects sports performance by Patrick McKeown
OxyAthlete program- Long term benefits from improved oxygen carrying capacity
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1 year ago 00:02:21 1
Increase EPO naturally. Be like Lance Armstrong, but here’s how to do it safely and legally.