Whooping Crane Master Yu Dan Qiu - Masters of Fujian ep8

Moving on to Fuzhou, the provincial capital of Fujian, after attending a performance featuring many different local styles, we go to the school of Master Yu Dan Qiu, who teaches Crying Crane, the style commonly believed to have strong links to Goju-Ryu Karate. Once White Crane spread from Yong Chun to Fuzhou city, it split into four major schools based on different behaviours of a crane: crying (aka whooping or calling), flying, feeding and sleeping (sometimes replaced with shaking). In this series I team up with Jesse Enkamp aka the Karate Nerd to travel to Fujian province, Southwest China. We are here to explore the arts of Southern Shaolin, particularly the arts of White Crane, Five Ancestors and Luohan. To learn more visit Check out my merchandise
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