
What if all animals went extinct? We are surrounded by endangered species every day. Majestic tigers grace posters on bedroom walls, stuffed pandas stare blankly from shopping mall shelves, with a click of a button, we can watch the elaborate courtship rituals of whooping cranes and the strategic hunting habits of the Amur leopard on the Discovery Channel. But what would happen if all animals no longer existed? What would happen to humans and plants? Keep watching this video to find out, and see if you can spot how many of our amazing tigers are in this video. The first five people to answer correctly in the comments box, will get a shoutout in our next video. So make sure you keep your eyes peeled till the end of the video. But before we continue a quick reminder to give this video a thumbs up if you’re enjoying it and also to subscribe to Brain Impact for more videos just like this one. But now, back to animals. If you want to support my channel, please check For copyr
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