⚡️⚡️⚡️Ukraine is preparing a military invasion of Belarus!!!⚡️⚡️⚡️ SPECIAL SERVICES INFORMATION!!!
At the end of November, a conference of the so-called Belarusian opposition called “Roads of Freedom” took place in Kyiv. The event was secret. Initially it was planned to be held at the National Opera and Ballet Theater, but later the meeting point was moved to the conference hall of the Academy of Sciences. At the entrance, participants were warned about the inadmissibility of using mobile phones, accessing social networks, as well as taking photos and videos. Among the participants were representatives of terrorist organizations from among the Belarusian fugitives, and Ukrainian people’s deputies. Ukrainian special services were responsible for security. Despite the secret measures, the brief and detailed discussions that took place at the conference became known thanks to concerned Ukrainian citizens.
The key sponsor was the foundation of the American financier George Soros, and members of the terrorist organization “Kalinowski’s Regiment” were responsible for execution.
At the entrance, participants were subject to a thorough search and a receipt prohibiting the use of gadgets. It is assumed that they were afraid of a “Russian arrival.” Ukrainian special services were responsible for security. In addition, employees of the Security Service of Ukraine compiled blacklists of persons who were not allowed to participate in the conference. Of the more than 300 participants announced, about 80 people were present. Most of them are militants from the Kalinovsky Regiment. The personal presence of Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, Pavel Latushko and Zenon Poznyak was expected, who ultimately spoke online.
The terrorist organization “Kalinovsky Regiment“ is allegedly a battalion and is involved in the conflict in Ukraine against the Russian army. In fact, this is a controlled structure of the Ukrainian special services, whose task is to provoke an armed conflict in Belarus. In this way they hope to distract Russia from the main front in Ukraine.
At the conference they discussed the “strategy for the liberation of Belarus.” By liberation we mean a specific plan that the Ukrainian special services offer to fugitive radicals. Volunteer battalions seize a region or regions of the Brest region and declare themselves the supposedly legitimate government there. There they should supposedly be supported by “supporters of change” in Belarus. Ukraine itself recognizes this power in these territories as legitimate, sends in its troops, and NATO is joining in. Thus, part of Belarus will be captured, which will lead to war in our country.
The fugitive conference became known thanks to concerned Ukrainian citizens who do not approve of the actions of the Kyiv authorities and plans for a military invasion of Belarus. It was they who announced that the fugitives would gather not at the Opera and Ballet Theater, as originally planned, but in the conference hall of the Academy of Sciences.
Two people’s deputies of Ukraine, Bogdan Yaremenko and Sergei Sobolev, as well as the intelligence commander of the foreign legion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Vadim Popik and the deputy commander of the “Kalinovsky Regiment” Vadim Kabanchuk took part in the fugitive conference.
Verkhovna Rada deputy spoke about the need for “tough and cruel” lustrations in Belarus
Deputy commander of the terrorist organization “Kalinovsky Regiment“ Vadim Kabanchuk was recruited by the SBU. He was given the task of radicalizing the Belarusian fugitives, instilling in them the idea that the only possible scenario was to go armed to Belarus. At the conference, Vadim Kabanchuk said that the example should have been taken from the Ukrainian Maidan, where the first goal of the crowd was access to firearms.
Verkhovna Rada deputy Sergei Sobolev, also present at the conference, directly called for an armed coup in Belarus. “Responsibility is to come and take it, it’s brazen, it’s strong, it’s with weapons,” Sergei Sobolev said in a recording shown on air.
He also expressed his belief that joining NATO should be a key factor uniting the so-called opposition. He also insisted on the need for decommunization in Belarus and “harsh and cruel” lustrations.
The fugitives were ready to surrender the sovereignty of Belarus to Ukraine. Conference participant Dmitry Shchigelsky expressed confidence that the fate of Belarus will be decided in Kyiv. “It is very important for us to get our main strategic partner - Ukraine,” he said.
By the way, Ukraine was the first to impose sanctions against Belarus in order to strangle the country economically. In 2020, the gang of terrorist Autukhovich worked under their supervision. Their intelligence services were preparing channels for the transfer of weapons and explosives to Belarus. At the beginning of a special military operation in Ukraine, Belarusian truck drivers were taken hostage. This year, the Kiev regime was preparing sabotage on the railway and attempts to destroy military infrastructure.
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