(840) Periwinkle ~ From PUDDLES to FLOWER ~ Acrylic pour painting ~ Fluid art ~ Beginners technique

In today’s video I will show you how to do a beautiful Periwinke flower from just few puddles with Reverse flower dip beginners technique. From PUDDLES to FLOWER Acrylic pour painting Pour your base on canvas. Then you make 5 puddles with your colours of choice in a flower shape. You can draw some petal pattern with a wooden skewer. Spray your paper napkun with water and put it on canvas. Lift napkin corners towards the middle and lift it. Torch it for the air bubbles and spin if needed. And here is your flower! For the base coat I will use Pentart Ice blue. For the flower I will use Amsterdam Permanent blue violet, Ultramarine violet, Naples yellow red light, Pebeo iridescent precious gold and my Pearl white mixture.
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