今日清明,青團“開花”了!Qingming Festival Today, Sweet Green Rice Balls in Full Bloom!

清明時節,春意正濃,3天小長假不妨動動手,和臺臺一起動動手自制青團吧!趁著清明時節,臺臺就要和大家分享一些新鮮玩意兒:用珍珠奶茶和櫻花抹茶做兩款網紅青團。帶上這兩款軟萌團子,出門郊遊踏青去! Qingming Festival ushers in the best days of spring. During the 3-day holiday, why don’t we make some sweet green rice balls at home with Foodvideo? This time, we will show you something new: two instagrammable sweet green rice balls made of boba milk tea and sakura matcha. Bring these cute sweet rice balls and go for a spring outing!
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