Fifth ECB Forum on Banking Supervision 2023 | Day 1
Europe: banking on resilience
The fifth ECB Forum on Banking Supervision will take place on 30 November and 1 December 2023 at the ECB’s Main Building in Frankfurt. You can also follow the event online.
Every two years the Forum brings together high-level policymakers, academics, financial executives and experts to exchange views on current developments in banking and supervision. With new risks on the horizon, how can banks retain their long-term resilience? What tools should every modern supervisor have at its disposal? Can Europe thrive without an incomplete banking union?
Have a look at the programme and join inspiring discussions.
Thursday, 30 November 2023
Welcome address by Christine Lagarde, President, European Central Bank
Conversation between Andrea Enria, Chair of the Supervisory Board, European Central Bank, and Jacques de Larosière, former Governor, Banque de France and former Managing Director, International Monetary Fund
Taking stock: the single supervisor ten years on
Banking supervision in Europe has changed. What has the Single Supervisory Mechanism achieved? What remains to be done? Are supervisors striking the right balance between intrusiveness and supporting banks when addressing risks? Has Europe succeeded in breaking the sovereign-bank nexus and integrating financial markets? Have the expectations of banks, markets and the public at large been met?
Thorsten Beck, Director, Florence School of Banking and Finance and Professor of Financial Stability, European University Institute
John Berrigan, Director-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union, European Commission
Ana Botín, Group Executive Chair, Banco Santander, S.A.
Dominique Laboureix, Chair, Single Resolution Board
Elizabeth McCaul, Member of the Supervisory Board, European Central Bank
Moderator: Nicolas Véron, Senior Fellow, Bruegel and Peterson Institute for International Economics
Coffee break
Modern supervision: what is key?
What key tools should every modern supervisor have at their disposal? Is there tension between supervisory effectiveness and transparency? How do we strike the right balance between horizontal and vertical supervision? What have the recent crises taught us about risk-based supervision, operational resilience and market communication by supervisors?
Marlene Amstad, Chair, Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority
José Manuel Campa, Chairperson, European Banking Authority
Kerstin af Jochnick, Member of the Supervisory Board, European Central Bank
Davide Taliente, Chair of Global Public Sector and Policy, Oliver Wyman
Nicolas Théry, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Crédit Mutuel
Moderator: Naomi Lloyd, Euronews
End of day one
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Fifth ECB Forum on Banking Supervision 2023 | Day 1