吴宣仪WuXuanYi《RSVP》Official MV

《RSVP》 Ai hai hai yeah Ai hai hai yeah Remember that Remember that Open the hear and mind Open the hear and mind 滋生了爱 Nourish love all about you all about you Quando la notte When the night 沉睡的花蕾 Sleeping bud 花语自带愚昧 The language of flowers comes with ignorance I wanna one I wanna one 墨夜黑日 Dark night and black day 轮回不止 Keep looping Take me away Take me away Oh baby This is me Oh baby This is me 公主逃离童话书 Princess escapes the fairy tale book 是我野蛮生长的记事簿 which is a notebook of my savage growth Find yourself in the love I can do Find yourself in the love I can do 所有视线都落在我身上 All eye sights cast on me you know as you know you know as you know don’t you know ya ya don’t you know ya ya 如果想飞离invite me If wanna fly away, invite me 窝在你衣角上 Lie on the corner of your clothes 真的用不上作何保障 There’s really no need for guarantee (此刻kiss me) (kiss me right now) 如果有Feeling Invite me If there’s a feeling, invite me All crazy as you want All crazy as you want 早该把所有爱意都唤醒 Ha~ Waking up all the love is long overdue. Ha~ (Ya ya) (Ya ya)
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