4 Minute Tabata Workout - with Inger Houghton

Music: “Doin’ it Right (Tabata)“ by Tabata Songs Inger Houghton (@ingerindubai) performs this 4 minute Tabata Workout with Tabata Songs. Tabata is 8 rounds of 20 second intervals, each followed by 10 seconds of rest. Inger’s Tabata Workout: -20s Chin-ups 10s rest -20s Kettlebell snatch (Right) 10s rest -20s Kettlebell Snatch (Left) 10s rest -20sWalking Kettlebell Lunge 10s rest -20s Chin-ups 10s rest -20s Kettlebell snatch (Right) 10s rest -20s Kettlebell Snatch (L
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