Chimpanzees fishing for algae with tools in Bakoun, Guinea (PanAf)

From the paper: Boesch C, Kalan AK, Agbor A, Arandjelovic M, Dieguez P, Lapeyre V, Kühl HS (2016) Chimpanzees routinely fish for algae with tools during the dry season in Bakoun, Guinea. American Journal of Primatology doi blog post here: Copyright: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, The Pan African Programmme: The Cultured Chimpanzee Anyone can participate in watching and annotating the PanAf videos using the online citizen science website . At Chimp&See citizen scientists can watch the over 1/2 million video clips the PanAf has recorded from all across Africa of chimpanzees, gorillas, elephants, buffalo, leopards and many more species! Visit and you could be a citizen scientist contributing to analyzing data in minutes
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