Krajiny Hmly - Lesovik (promo track from the upcoming new album 2022)

Slavonic Black Metal from Slovakia. Promotional track from the upcoming new album “Cez ostrie skál“, to be released at the end of 2022 by Werewolf Promotion. Mix and Master: Lyrics: SVK: Tajuplné kráľovstvo tisícich príbehov. Besniaci víchor ženie sa korunami prastarých stromov. Lesná ríša kde bájnych bytostí svet. Kto s podlým srdcom vstúpil, toho už medzi živými niet. Šepot lístia a piesne riav, nocou znie odysea na slávu luny, ostražité oči mojich verných vrán. Som pánom lesnej ríše, vodca hrdej armády vlkov. Kto ublíži mojim stromom, toho čaká náv. Volanie z temnoty lesa, volanie krutej smrti. Hnilobu ľudskej duše, pradávny močiar pohltí. Lešij! Lesapán chráni svoj domov, striehne z veží v korunách stromov. Temné tvory z tieňov zvoláva, telo klesá na dno močiara. ENG: Mysterious kingdom of thousand tales Where tempestuous wind rides through tops of ancient trees Forest realm of mythical creatures Whenever entered by vicious being, it falls dead Whispering of leaves and songs of river streams Epos celebrating the Lune resounds the night Guided by the eyes of my alert crows I am the lord of the forest realms Ruler of the proud pack of wolves One that hurts my trees Shall soon get to oblivion Calling from the darkest woods Calling of cruel death Rotteness of human soul Will be devoured by an ancient swamp Leshy! Lord of forest protects his homeland He beholds from the towers hidden in treetops He summons the dark creatures from the shadows While body descends to the bottom of swamp
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