60-MIN TOTAL BODY KILLER POWER HIIT Workout and ABS (every muscle on fire) | 21-Day MAXOUT Challenge

DAY 20 of the 21-Day Challenge! Get ready to MAXOUT full-body fat burn with this 60-min total body killer HIIT training today. This power workout combines HIIT, strength compound exercises with weights and abs workout and stretching. Let’s torch stubborn body fat from the inside out! Subscribe here 🔥 What you need ⤵️ ➡️ equipment I’m using today 10, 20 LB dumbbells set C O N N E C T 💥 Join our TRANSFORM FB group ➡️ 💥 GRAB YOUR WORKOUT CALENDAR HERE ⮕ 💥 INSTAGRAM 💥 FREE WEIGHT LOSS MEAL PLAN ⬇️ ⬅ FREE TRIAL 💥 My EQUIPMENT and NUTRITION LIST FOR BEST POSSIBLE RESULTS! ⮕ 💥 check out D I S
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