Lord’s Test Match (1953)

The start of the second test match at Lord’s between England and Australia. SV. English cricketing team taking the field (first 7’ for super title) & LV. SV. Arthur Morris and Hassett taking field. GV. Crowds in front of Pavilion. CU. Father time on top of pavilion. GV. Game in progress. CU. Evan’s pan to Hassett waiting for ball. SV. Pan Brian Statham bowling. CU. Hassett hits and runs. LV. Hassett completing run. CU. Morris hits and runs. LV. Morris hits four. LV. Crowd applauding. LV. Bedser bowling. CU. Morris being stumped. LV. Morris standing in front of Wicket after being stumped and walking off. CU. Pan, Morris walking back to pavilion. CU. Crowd applauding. GV. Play. CU. Alec Bedser (Bedser twins, Alec & Eric) bowling. CU. Hassett hitting one run, zoom out to fielder returning to Evan’s. CU. Hassett at wicket. SV, Pan Statham bowling. CU. Hassett hitting his 50th run. CU. Crowd applauding. CU. Hassett acknowledging crowd. CU. Scoreboard. LV. Harvey at wicket preparing for next ball. SV. Pan Ba
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