Medieval Trekking - Camping Kit

Take a look at some of the gear I use when I go camping in medieval clothing! Some pieces are appropriate for my 14th century persona; some are, as Joseph Ruckman puts it, “aesthetically-inoffensive-but-incorrect-for-the-period“; all are functional. Apologies for the audio oddities - turns out that iPhone mics have a bit of a mind of their own! I did my best to clean things up with Audacity and the Levelator after the fact, but I was only partially successful. I mentioned the Kingdom of Atlantia Royal Forestry Guild () in the video. I am a member of the guild, but all opinions voiced in the video are solely my own and are not intended to be taken as representative of the guild. For more information about my packframe, see this write-up - A couple of craftspersons to mention (not a paid promotion, I jus
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