I decided to do a second version of the previous video as I wasn’t completely happy with the first version. So now you can choose to view how to make this pattern on a black (previous version) or on a white background (this version). And you can let me know which one you prefer please! :-)
Over the years I’ve had lots of questions and people interested in tatting this pattern. After several requests... finally!: this is the start of a series of videos which will explain how to make it.
* * * Don’t forget to adjust the settings to see this video in better, HD quality * * *
This vintage pattern can still be found in print but is also freely available online as it is now out of copyright. You can find it on pages 15-17 of the Priscilla Tatting Book no. 2, available here:
On my blog, you can also find a written explanation of the first round of the pattern with photos which you may find useful in complement to the