Fischerchor - Freude schöner Götterfunken (Ode to Joy) 2004
Fischerchor - Freude schöner Götterfunken (Ode to Joy) 2004
(mit Bildern von Stift Melk bei St. Pölten/Niederösterreich)
Ode an die Freude, Ode to Joy
Freude schöner Götterfunken,
Tochter aus Elysium
wir betreten feuertrunken
himmlische dein Heiligtum
Deine Zauber binden wieder
was die Mode streng geteilt
alle Menschen werden Brüder
wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt
Wem der große Wurf gelungen
eines Freundes Freund zu sein
wer ein holdes Weib errungen
mische seinen Jubel ein
Ja, wer auch nur eine Seele
sein nennt auf dem Erdenrund
und wers nie gekonnt der stehle
weinend sich aus diesem Bund
Ja, wer auch nur eine Seele
sein nennt auf dem Erdenrund
und wers nie gekonnt der stehle
weinend sich aus diesem Bund
Freude schöner Götterfunken,
Tochter aus Elysium
wir betreten feuertrunken
himmlische dein Heiligtum
Deine Zauber binden wieder
was die Mode streng geteilt
alle Menschen werden Brüder
wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt
Deine Zauber binden wieder
was die Mode streng geteilt
alle Menschen werden Brüder
wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt
English translation:
Joy, beautiful spark of the gods,
Daughter of Elysium,
We enter fire imbibed,
Heavenly, thy sanctuary.
Thy magic reunites those
Whom stern custom has parted;
All men will become brothers
Under thy gentle wing.
May he who has had the fortune
To gain a true friend
And he who has won a noble wife
Join in our jubilation!
Yes, even if he calls but one soul
His own in all the world.
But he who has failed in this
Must steal away alone and in tears.
All the world’s creatures
Draw joy from nature’s breast;
Both the good and the evil
Follow her rose-strewn path.
She gave us kisses and wine
And a friend loyal unto death;
She gave lust for life to the lowliest,
And the Cherub stands before God.
Joyously, as his suns speed
Through Heaven’s glorious order,
Hasten, Brothers, on your way,
Exulting as a knight in victory.
Joy, beautiful spark of the gods,
Daughter of Elysium,
We enter fire imbibed,
Heavenly, thy sanctuary.
Be embraced, Millions!
This kiss for all the world!
Brothers!, above the starry canopy
A loving father must dwell.
Can you sense the Creator, world?
Seek him above the starry canopy.
Above the stars He must dwell.
Be embraced, Millions!
This kiss for all the world!
Brothers!, above the starry canopy
A loving father must dwell.
Can you sense the Creator, world?
Seek him above the starry canopy.
Above the stars He must dwell.
Joy, beautiful spark of the gods,
Daughter of Elysium,
We enter fire imbibed,
Heavenly, thy sanctuary.
Be embraced, Millions!
This kiss for all the world!
Brothers!, above the starry canopy
A loving father must dwell.
Can you sense the Creator, world?
Seek him above the starry canopy.
Above the stars He must dwell.
Be embraced, Millions!
This kiss for all the world!
Brothers!, above the starry canopy
A loving father must dwell.
Can you sense the Creator, world?
Seek him above the starry canopy.
Above the stars He must dwell.
Joy, daughter of Elysium
Thy magic reunites those
Whom stern custom has parted;
All men will become brothers
Under thy gentle wing.
Be embraced, Millions!
This kiss for all the world!
Brothers!, above the starry canopy
A loving father must dwell.
Joy, beautiful spark of Gods!,
Daughter of Elysium,
Joy, beautiful spark of Gods!.
1 view
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