Daily Back Flexibility Warm Up Routine

Just like with all other flexibility drills working one exercise only will not get you anywhere. You have to combine multiple drills and progressions. The more layers of work you are able to find the faster and especially the safer you will advance in your practice. Our backs are fragile yet they support our entire life. This is why it is essential to already start during the daily warm up progress to incorporate as many progressions as possible. Gently open your back up. Personally, I realized that back stretching is looked at by the bigger population in a different light than I would like to see it. Most people that I meet simply force their way into deeper stretches using what ever they can to apply pressure and to fold backwards more. I get it. You fold more. Bravo. But it is not healthy and if you are trying to do anything practical/functional with your back this will actually be no help at all. Whilst these kind of back workouts will always fall into the stretching/flexibility tra
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